Flat Earth!

Congrats to ADDTF for one solid year of reading comics naked.

Also, welcome back ADD and In Sequence.

Did I miss anyone?

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Fifth Annual International Read A Comic Book Naked Day!

I wonder how many other blogs out there only post once a year. By dipping my toes in the pool once a year, can I still be considered an active blogger?

Happy Fifth Annual International Read A Comic Book Naked Day! Once again, literally many will curl up with a comic book pressed against their sticky thighs and bask in the loving embrace of some four-colour piece of trash. Odds are if you're reading this you have plenty of reading material already, but if you don't, here are a few classics you may have missed the first time around, available free for your roly-poly pleasure.

Hungry Like The Wolf. Using only stick figures, Stacie of Final Girl ushers in the next werewolf craze.

Jenifer. David Z. of Tomb It May Concern presents a fine tale of the macabre by Jones and Wrightson.

The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist. You can still catch this NSFW adventure in monochrome, courtesy of Curt of The Groovy Age of Horror.

For even more goodies, check out The Horror Blog.